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"I know I can do it: You were the first teacher who recognized that potential in me!"

- Abigail, former student


"Not only did you touch your students’ lives, you also touched the lives of the families. I, too, will always remember the special care you gave to everyone you touched. My daughter is now teaching young students. I am sure she uses some of the strategies, techniques, and skills she learned from you, our beloved Carol Strip."

- Susan, parent




Dr. Carol,

"Thank you!  I have been running around so much, I haven’t had any time to chat with you.  How is Fatema doing?  You are a wonderful, real life example to our children of how to help others, when sometimes they feel so helpless to deal with the tragedies in our world.  One child at a time seems like nothing, but you put a face on that child, and it is impossible to deny that helping her is priceless.  Thank you for being a teacher of such important life lessons.  You are a rare gem and a gift to OUR children as well."

-Ani, Parent


"Carol, I just wanted you to know Emma has been thinking about you!  She said the other day she didn't think she wuld have made it without you!    She is doing great! She is playing volleyball, doing show choir, band, jazz band and playing the piano.  I don't think she has even received anything below a 95 while doing it all.  I do so thank you for embracing who she was and helping her soar!  She is flying now!!!"

   Hi Dr. Carol,

   Thank you so much for all your hard work!  We are so pleased to see that Alan and Ethan making big progress each time. 

   Me and my husband just discussed about that how important it is to develop balanced learning.  I know you have great plan for them regarding math, reading and writing.  Could you please also help them with presentation and debating?  We think these skills are also critical for their future success.  We are so glad to have you by our side.

         Thanks again,

HI  Carol. You are always so interesting to chat with. I just wanted to give you a great big Thank You for the work you do. I really appreciate how much you are helping gifted children and their FAMILIES. It is a need that too often goes unmet. (I have a lot to say on that subject!!) You have alot of Wisdom not just knowledge and I want to encourage you to keep up the good job.  -Cate


"God has blessed you with your love for all the gifted children that you have so brilliantly guided to be who they are. This is just the first of many many years to come! Congratulations "Dr Carol"!!!" -Beth Petikas 

Mrs. Carol Strip Whitney. She saw unimaginable futures in all her students, and creatively made us strive to be better humans. I will always live with her in my ear. May God bless you woman. I know you blessed me!
By former student Todd Williams

Thank you! Your teaching had a tremendously positive impact on me during the formative years of school. Thank you so much for being an incredible educator, I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to be in your program. - Nelson Yoder

Dear Dr. Carol,

How did we end up so fortunate to have you in our lives? We are truly blessed to have you helping our dear child grow into a confident, self-accepting, loving young person. You have been such an instrumental piece of our “village.” I really appreciate all that you do to help & guide not only our child, but to me. I look forward to reading your book & learning more. Thank you for all you do for us and for all those who get to read tap into the knowledge that helps so many navigate giftedness. You are truly a ray of sunshine in our lives. Keep shinning brightly. - Love a grateful parent

Dr. Carol,
Oh my goodness... you continue to be a blessing in our lives: challenging her and using metacognition not only to increase her general knowledge but also to increase her self-awareness and her understanding of the value of her gifts. It’s been so important that this teaching has come from someone outside of her biological family. Though she enjoys school, she has never received such personalized teaching, encouragement and support for her strengths in the regular school system. What’s more, our adult lives became more challenging at the very time Caroline was entering the crucial stage where girls begin defining and redefining their self-identity against those of their peer groups. This coincided with her becoming more independent and spending less time with her grandparents. At just that moment, I feel God stepped in and led us to you. You are a true model of how to teach gifted children, Dr. Carol. Thank you for taking the time on your vacation to meet with Caroline and to share your notes and thoughts with us. I’m warmed by those rays of sunshine! - A grateful parent


Getting Started with Gifted Education Services

All families begin with a consultation with Dr. Whitney to determine the best plan for the child. Plan to bring some of your child's latest work, as well as any test scores or progress reports you can bring to the session. An individualized plan will be developed between you and Dr. Whitney. Typically weekly sessions are advised, but Dr. Whitney also will work with your family to see what other options might work best. These options can change as the child develops.

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