Gifted Education Services: Why Are They Important?
Research and practice clearly show that gifted students thrive on the relationships they build with their teachers as well as with other gifted students. During the one to one sessions the instructor works to set the stage for real-life success in drawing out the best from each child. The curriculum is tailored to the individual needs of each child and the teaching strategies develop higher level thinking. Students see that learning should include the motivation for self discovery as well as the quest for knowledge. Small-group sessions create time to build potential and share ideas, this is an important factor when looking at the development of the gifted child. These session provide opportunities for gifted students to energize one another to higher levels of thinking. They also allow students to take new information that services to motivate and excite them for creative problem solving.
Giftedness does not guarantee the ability to do everything well. Many of our gifted children have areas of deficit that hold them from rising to their greatest potential. Examples include:
1) Understanding one’s own gifted characteristics
2) Organizing one’s own daily life
3) Generating ideas for fluent writing
4) Understanding and appreciating correct grammar usage
5) Developing meaningful essay writing
6) Working with perfectionism and anxiousness
7) Handling social/emotional struggles which block the child's road to success

A picture of our students with a local entrepreneur from our recent summer session: Young Entrepreneurs