Dr. Whitney is founder and instructor for Gifted Education Services of Dublin. She is also a twice-exceptional educational therapist for gifted students who need specific strategies to help bring out their true potential. Previously, she initiated and built the Dublin City Schools gifted program and also started the first Highly Gifted Magnet Program in the state of Ohio. She then began and built the first gifted program for Olentangy Local Schools. She completed her Ph.D. at The Ohio State University in Curriculum for addressing the social-emotional needs of gifted adolescents. Carol was awarded Outstanding Educator of the Year, as presented by The Ohio Association for Gifted Children. Dr. Whitney has been adjunct professor at OSU in the areas of cognition, learning styles, and creativity. Winner of Ashland’s Golden Apple Achiever Award, she has conducted conference presentations across the country in addition to being a keynote speaker for the Mississippi state gifted conference and presenter for the state gifted conference in California. She has been both teacher and consultant at the Summer Institute for the Gifted at Denison University.
Dr. Whitney was chosen by the Ohio State Treasurer Richard Cordray to receive the first Personal Finance Literacy Award in the state. She was named Outstanding Mathematics Teacher by the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Dr. Whitney was also named Teacher of the Year by her school’s teaching staff, and was also named State Teacher of the Year by the Ohio Association of Gifted Teachers. She previously served on the OWjL Board as it was forming.
Recently, Dr. Whitney presented new research on the gifted brain at OSU Newark and has presented to parents of gifted students in Ohio communities including Worthington, Hilliard, Upper Arlington, and Dublin.
Books by Dr. Whitney
Meet The Instructors
A Love For Learning
Four-Time Award-Winner! Spark the motivation in your gifted children or students! Keep them eager and excited to learn at home and in the classroom!
Gifted children are susceptible to many de-motivating factors, which can lead to depression and academic underachievement. The authors present concepts and techniques to counteract those factors, allowing a child's motivation to skyrocket.
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Helping Gifted Children Soar
This book contains “the world’s biggest, highest, and longest roller coaster”—the one called parenting a gifted child.
The information and useful advice provided make this book an ideal resource both for those just starting out in the gifted field as well as those who are seasoned veterans.
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From Stress to Success
Everyone experiences stress, but gifted children can experience it for a variety of reasons and in an array of situations that may be surprising to some people. Their keen intellects and heightened sensitivities make them vulnerable to stressors that may not affect other children, and their characteristic intensity can cause them to react in ways that might seem exaggerated and overblown to others. Adults who deal with these children, whether parents, teachers, or other family members or caregivers, can learn about the circumstances that can trigger stress in gifted children, and they can work to help these children learn how to manage themselves and their environments to enable them to find a sense of peace and calm that will make everyone happier.
Dr. Whitney
Dr. Shirley A Bendau
Shirley A. Bendau, Ph.D., N.B.C.T.
Ohio State University graduate........B.S.in education 1965, M.S. In education 1996, Ph.D in education 2001.
National Board Certified Teacher 1997.
Reading tutor program instructor for The Ohio State University 2006-2007.
Co-wrote and illustrated a book for children on Bully Prevention.
Classroom teacher for Columbus City Schools for 35 years
Classroom teacher for the Department of Defense Overseas Schools for 5 years (Taiwan and Germany)
Certified Gifted and Talented teacher from The Ohio State University
Published in Educational Leadership Magazine, 1998
Assessor for The Disney American Teacher Awards, 2000, and 2001
Instructor for The Ohio State University, Ashland University
Published book for teachers on Webbing and Individualized Instruction
Professional Development Instructor for Columbus City Schools
Workshop presenter on these topics: Classroom management strategies, Brain Compatible Learning, Sketch Journals, webbing, Bullying Prevention Strategies, and Classroom Community Building Program
I love working with children and seeing that moment when they realize how much fun learning can be! Children are our future and we must give them the tools needed to be successful in that future. I look forward to working with you and your children.