Individualized Sessions
Gifted students meet one-to-one with Dr. Carol. Best practice combined with research and experience show that gifted students thrive on the relationships they build with their teachers as well as with other gifted students. During the one to one sessions, Dr. Carol works to set the stage for real-life success in drawing out the best from each child. The curriculum is tailored to the individual needs of each child and the teaching strategies develop higher level thinking. Summer classes also allow gifted students the opportunity to spend learning time together for bonding and development. These classes are masterfully designed to spark interest and motivate the students to extend themselves.
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"If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be."
Maya Angelou

Dr. Whitney is founder and instructor for Gifted Education Services of Dublin. She is also a twice-exceptional educational therapist for gifted students who need specific strategies to help bring out their true potential. Previously, she initiated and built the Dublin City Schools gifted program and also started the first Highly Gifted Magnet Program in the state of Ohio. She then began and built the first gifted program for Olentangy Local Schools.
Meet The Instructor
Recent News

Research and practice clearly show that gifted students thrive on their relationships with other gifted students. Having time together to build potential and share ideas is an important factor when looking at the development of the gifted child. Classes such as these create opportunities for gifted students to energize one another to higher levels of thinking. These classes create opportunities for students to take in a tremendous amount of new information which strives to motivate and create excitement for creative problem solving. These become lifelong skills and abilities. Read More
Gifted Services

What People Are Saying...
"Not only did you touch your students lives, you also touched the lives of the families. I, too, will always remember the special care you gave to everyone you touched. My daughter is now teaching young students. I am sure she uses some of the strategies, techniques, and skills she learned from you, our beloved Carol Strip Whitney."
- Susan, parent. Read More